
Family engagement helps children feel connected to their Educators, families and communities. Children who are connected feel safe, secure, supported and are ready to learn.

Your child learns from a qualified Educator and is always cared for in a small group of children. They will play, learn and grow together in the Educators home.

Our Educators design the learning to fit your child's individual needs.

We engage families through informal discussions and at planned gatherings. This is also an opportunity to develop shared goals for children's learning. We learn about and show respect for all backgrounds, cultural identity and strengths of each family to inform our practice.

Here you can find a wide vari­ety of resources that are all about life with Alice Springs Fam­i­ly Day Care. You will find school term dates, enrolment information and our family handbook as well as useful links.

What is Fam­i­ly
Day Care?

Fam­i­ly Day Care is an accred­it­ed form of childcare that is pro­vid­ed in the Fam­i­ly Day Care

edu­ca­tors own home.

Fam­i­ly Day Care edu­ca­tors are ear­ly child­hood edu­ca­tion and care pro­fes­sion­als, reg­is­tered with a Fam­i­ly Day Care ser­vice that is respon­si­ble for approv­ing, sup­port­ing, train­ing and advis­ing its educators.

How is it sim­i­lar to
cen­ter-based child care?

Fam­i­ly Day Care pro­vides ear­ly child­hood edu­ca­tion and care ser­vices for chil­dren across Aus­tralia. We oper­ate under the same Nation­al Qual­i­ty Frame­work (NQF) as oth­er forms of child­care; incor­po­rat­ing Nation­al Reg­u­la­tions, qual­i­ty and qual­i­fi­ca­tion stan­dards, edu­ca­tion­al frame­works and an assess­ment and rat­ings process. Par­ents are eli­gi­ble for the same Fed­er­al Gov­ern­ment Childcare Ben­e­fit and Childcare Rebate subsidies.

How is it dif­fer­ent to

oth­er forms of child care?

Your child’s edu­ca­tion and care is pro­vid­ed by an indi­vid­ual edu­ca­tor who has been trained in ear­ly child­hood edu­ca­tion and has been approved by Alice Springs Fam­i­ly Day Care to oper­ate pro­fes­sion­al­ly with­in their own home. Edu­ca­tors work with small groups of no more than four

chil­dren under school age.

* Edu­ca­tors work in part­ner­ship with a local coor­di­na­tion unit who reg­u­lar­ly vis­it the edu­ca­tors home to provide support and mon­i­tor the children’s progress. 

* An edu­ca­tor may care for 3 addi­tion­al school-age chil­dren, out­side of school hours.


Chil­dren ben­e­fit in many ways from being cared for in a car­ing home environment. 

These include:

  • A home-based set­ting that pro­vides a famil­iar, safe and secure learn­ing environment.
  • Small group envi­ron­ment facil­i­tates strong bonds and pro­motes effec­tive ear­ly learn­ing and social development. 
  • The offer of care dur­ing stan­dard hours, evenings, before/​after school, dur­ing school hol­i­days and in some cas­es, overnight and weekends.
  • Edu­ca­tion and care for chil­dren from babies to school age; offer­ing the pos­si­bil­i­ty for sib­lings to be cared for togeth­er, all in one location.
  • Expe­ri­ences which reflect the diver­si­ty of our community.

To add your name to our wait-list please sub­mit an enrol­ment form using the button below.

You will be contacted as soon as a place becomes available.

Parent / Guardian Documents & Key Information

Please click on the links  the below forms to access more information.

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