
We are looking for Educators!

Fam­i­ly day care edu­ca­tors are approved, ear­ly

child­hood edu­ca­tion and care pro­fes­sion­als who engage in the prin­ci­ples and prac­tices of the Ear­ly Years Learn­ing Frame­work (EYLF) and work with­in the require­ments of the Nation­al Qual­i­ty Framework.

In order to pro­vide a safe

edu­ca­tion­al envi­ron­ment for your child, there a

require­ments for all


  • Hold a minimum Cer­tifi­cate III lev­el edu­ca­tion and care qualification.
  • Meet nation­al stan­dards which include main­tain­ing qual­i­ty learn­ing pro­grams, safe and hygien­ic learn­ing envi­ron­ments, record-keep­ing and qualifications. 
  • Main­tain cur­rent First Aid (HLTAID012) and CPR Cer­tifi­cates and train­ing in the emer­gency man­age­ment of Asth­ma and Anaphylaxis.
  • Main­tain a clear­ance for work­ing with chil­dren, and a crim­i­nal his­to­ry check (Ochre Card).
  • Par­tic­i­pate in reg­u­lar sup­port and mon­i­tor­ing vis­its con­duct­ed by their coor­di­na­tion unit.
  • Attend train­ing, meet­ings and work­shops peri­od­i­cal­ly to main­tain the cur­ren­cy of skills and knowledge.
  • Main­tain cur­rent pub­lic lia­bil­i­ty insur­ance coverage.

Community Childcare Fund

"limited supply grants"

Grants for starting a new service!

Family Day Care Australia is pleased to share the recent news that family day care services dominated the announcement of the Australian Government’s Community Child Care Fund (CCCF) “limited supply grants”.

The CCCF grants provide funding to support new Family Day Care (FDC) premises:

•In areas experiencing disadvantage in regional and remote areas of Australia.

•Where there are no or limited similar services.

CCCF grants provide establishment and capital support funding and aim to:

•Set up services in communities experiencing disadvantage in regional and remote areas where there is a gap in the supply of approved services.

•Help providers build capacity and operate sustainably.

•Increase the number of children from areas experiencing disadvantage in regional and remote areas accessing early childhood education and care (ECEC).

•Enable local workforce participation by increasing access to ECEC.

Alice Springs Family Day Care was successful for 10 Grants to open new services!

5 in Larapinta (includes Larapinta and parts of Araluen) and 5 in Ross (including Kilgariff)

If you are living in these areas, are willing to open a new Family Day Care Service, have or are working towards the Early Childhood Education and Care certificate III (minimum) and are willing to commit to FDC as a rewarding career full time working from home with, please reach out today! 

*Conditions apply


Contact us

Want to become an Educator?

Edu­ca­tors earn an income by pro­vid­ing care in their own homes for small groups of chil­dren and are sup­port­ed by the Coor­di­na­tion Unit. The Coor­di­na­tion Unit assists fam­i­lies and Edu­ca­tors with the place­ment of chil­dren, pro­vides train­ing and resources to Edu­ca­tors, and infor­ma­tion to fam­i­lies who use the service.

Alice Springs Fam­i­ly Day Care is always seek­ing inter­est from peo­ple who are cre­ative, ener­getic and want to be part of a pro­fes­sion­al child­care team.

Pre-ser­vice train­ing is pro­vid­ed, along with ongo­ing pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment and support.

If you have a desire to run your own busi­ness from home and are seek­ing a per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al chal­lenge, this could be the career choice for you!

We require Edu­ca­tors who can pro­vide either full-time care, part-time care, shift work, evenings and week­ends. Those inter­est­ed will need the fol­low­ing prerequisites:

  • Pre­req­ui­sites

    • Matu­ri­ty and life expe­ri­ence are essen­tial attrib­ut­es, there­fore it is essen­tial that appli­cants be at least 21 years. 
    • You, and all per­sons 18 years and over resid­ing in your home, must pass a Nation­al Crim­i­nal His­to­ry Check and an Ochre Card Check
    • You will need a First Aid Cer­tifi­cate — HLTAID004 
    • A mobile phone is essential.
    • Your out­door play area will need to be secure­ly fenced.
    • Your home will need to under­go a home safe­ty inspection. 
    • We will pro­vide you with pre-ser­vice train­ing (Edu­ca­tor Induction).
    • You will be required to pur­chase pub­lic lia­bil­i­ty insurance. 
    • You will need to have some smoke alarms, a fire extin­guish­er, and a first aid kit in your home.

    All these expens­es are tax-deductible, and the cost will be recouped quite quick­ly once you start caring.

How to get started

Please con­tact us on (08) 8952 3406 or email: manager@​asfdc.​org.​au to arrange an inter­view and to ask any ques­tions you may have. Find out more about run­ning your own Busi­ness from Home and click the button below:

Practical considerations Educator Application Form Business from Home Handbook Potential cost of setting up a home business Selection criteria questions position profile

  Become a Alice Springs Family Day Care Member!

Alice Springs Family Day Care Membership form AGM 2023 details Board of management nomination Form

Alice Springs Family Day Care Board of Management 2024


Leanne Milne

Vice Chair

Sheena Russell


Samantha Ballard


Kathleen Logue

Public Officer

Nicole Waters

Who can become a member and who it is open to:

Alice Springs Family Day Care has a constitution that has been approved for use by the Northern Territory Government, Department of Justice, and Business Affairs.


Under the constitution individuals are required to register as ‘members’ of the organisation in order to have voting rights at general meetings, and to be able to nominate to be a member of the Board of Governance. Being an Approved Educator or family does not automatically provide membership..


Membership of the Association is open to:


All parents or guardians of children who, from time to time, are receiving care under the Family Day Care Scheme as operated by the Association.

All active Educators Approved with the scheme.

Any person who is interested in furthering the objects of the Association, subject to approval of the board of governance.


To apply to become a member of the Association a person must complete an ‘Alice Springs Family Day Care Inc. Membership Form’

b) The form must be signed by the person applying and another member of the organisation.

The board will then consider the applications for membership at the next available board meeting and must accept or reject the application at that meeting or the next.


There is no cost involved in becoming a member.

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